
Lets read today's News of Pakistan and Asia, with hot stories and Scandals of specially Pakistan News Papers, Politics, Business, Sports - All Exclusives.
Extreme Unethical, Inhuman and Malicious act of Hasina Wajed’s Awami League, criminal elements of Awami League removing a Jamaat-e-Islami workers cloth after killing him, Hasina Wajed! Immediately stop it! Otherwise we’ll take strong revenge
A helicopter view of Jamaat-e-Islami yesterday’s gathering against Banladesh Govt’s anti islamic Policies, they are killing Jamaat-e-Islami and SHIBIR workers daily by their criminals of Awami League Hundreds of people are being killed by criminal elements and ‘war crime tribunal’. It is highly condemnable
Mr. S. Zia from PML-N seems in JI Karachi gathering against the brutality and Inhuman ‘war crime tribunal’ of Bangladesh govt. By which they are killing hundreds of innocents daily
Ameer JI Sind Province, Dr. Meraj is addressing the huge gathering in Karachi on the issue of Bangladesh Govt’s anti Islamic and illegal ‘war crime tribunal’ by which they are encountering Islamists of the country. Highly objectionable!