Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Prithvi Missile Once Again Fail to Take Off - This is India

Indian Prithvi Atomic Missile Fail to Fly, According to news resources Prithvi is a missile which can easily carry atomoc war heads along with traditional war heads, it is 8 meter in height. Strategic force command said that this is not failure but a technically not ready to experiment. But press of India totally denying this, they said, this is not only the failure in missile test but the failure of strategic force command of India too, while according to an unbised fact, there seem the mojor failures in the tests of Agni and Prithvi missile test.
If we compare the total number of atomic missile tests of India with Pakistan, so the success ratio is quite different, Pakistan's 98% atomic missile tests are successful, while India has just the 40% of the success percentage in this way. So qualitatively Pakistan has the upper hand in the region, India has to overcome this if they want to be the Asian Tiger in the future.


1 comment:

  1. Ready made missiles bought from China based on well tested platforms do not actually need testing time and again!! In the military history of the world no other country including the US of A had 98% success rate!! Isn't this enough raise a suspicion in the mind of any sane man!!? How is it possible for a country that can't even send a satellite in space on its own have 98% success rate when it comes to missile testing!!


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